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Healing and
Inspiration Center

In Truth, Simplicity and Love.

(offers services online and in person)

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"The best gift you can give another person is a high personal presence."-Leonard D.Orr

Rebirthing - Breathwork ( Conscious connected breathing/ Intuitive breathing/ Energy breathing etc.,) is learning to breathe life energy as well as air. It is learning to breathe from the breath itself, learning to breathe directly from God (source/presence/life force/prana, etc.,) It is to heal enough to incorporate the body and mind into the conscious Life of the Eternal Spirit and to become a conscious expression of the Eternal Spirit. And a journey into mastering our Life!

Leonard D. Orr

"Self-Love is self acceptance and self approval at all times." 

-Elvi Orr

We need clear-headed self-reflection and we need to take action towards improvements while we are enjoying the self-acceptance and self-approval. We don’t want to delude ourselves but we want to accept and embrace WHAT IS with love first and then take continuous steps to improve the situation.


Our Specializations

Rebirthing and Breathwork One on One sessions and Trainings

 Healing the child



Emotional Well-Being Sessions

Trauma healing

Having healthy relationships with adults and children

An integrated

approach to Mental Health(Breathwork, Psychotherapy and Psychiatry)

 Regaining physical

health from within

 Parenting from

wholeness and a place of Love

90 min Seminars

to Year long trainings


Please visit our courses section to decide on which journey you are ready to take.


"Teaching someone how to heal themselves is the ultimate gift" 

-Leonard Orr


"Relax and trust."

- Leonard Orr

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Christina came at a time in my life where I was questioning myself, questioning God and questioning life. She showed me the possibilities in life- how to live from a space of inner connectedness and create the life that you want, free from the limiting conditioning of the past. She kick-started my journey of self-understanding and self-discovery and introduced me to the world of energy. She gently supported me as I as I worked through past traumas and helped me re-parent myself, meeting myself with love. With her love and gentleness, she contributed immensely to my own journey of self-love. I am grateful for all that she has contributed to my own journey.

Testimony by Mukkala Sruthi Chaithanya

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